Beautiful Flowers To Plant In The DFW Metroplex Area 3 |

February 14, 2023

Beautiful Flowers To Plant In The DFW Metroplex Area

You see a vibrant flowerbed at a friend’s house, you take a pause, you stare, and you decide to mimic THAT. You want to plant some flowers but then you realize that not all flowers are the same, like any living thing, different plants grow in different climates. But, how do you know which plants to consider?


To make it easier for you, we are listing plants that not only will look beautiful in your flower beds, but they can take the heat and dry sun of the Irving, Texas.




 1) Celosia Cristata

Photo by <a href=

This flower is very special looking, known as the Cockscomb, and the Gypsy Queen. What makes it even more fun to have is that it sometimes leaves you surprises in the garden that can bloom next year. It reseeds freely, and the seeds sometimes survive till next year, to rebloom and bring back to life extraordinary contrast to your flowerbed.

Photo by Nigel Cohen on Unsplash


2) Black-Eyed Susan

Beautiful Flowers To Plant In The DFW Metroplex Area 2 | gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==

If you wouldn’t hate a look of a daisy in your garden, then you probably should grow this beautiful plant in your yard. And what makes it optimal for Texas is that it grows best in full sun, however, keep in mind that Texas whether can over do-it sometimes. So a little shade at the burning hot times of the day can benefit this beautiful flower.

Photo by Kelsey Weinkauf on Unsplash

3) Mexican Bush Sage

This plant is special, most people like it for the contrast it adds to the view. But the most beautiful fact about it that it attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators to your garden.

4) Lenten Rose

This plant comes in several beautiful colors. It grows in partial shade, and requires average watering to survive.

5) Bird Of Paradise

With great looks, comes great names. This applies to this plant, it is so beautiful that it earned its given name. It can grow in shade, as well as in sizzling sun, so basically, Texas. But while it thrives in humidity and can tolerate moist soils, wet roots can easily kill this beauty.

6) Yarrow

With 2-4 feet of height, and small flowers, Yarrows are great ground cover. They grow in sandy and hot soils, which makes Texas a great place for them.

7) Carnation (Dianthus)

Carnations (aka: flowers of god) are amazing plants, they’re beautiful, but they survive with minimal care. But you have to be careful with overwatering.

This flower is very interesting, not only can it take heat, but its stem changes color with heat change, giving a more dynamic look to the flowerbed, and most importantly it can survive in almost any soil.

Ever had issues growing plants in your flower beds? You can talk to one of our experts today and we’ll give you a pros advise. Click this link and get a free consultation today.


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